Payment Information
Please be aware that Paediatrics Ballarat is a private billing practice.
Payment for services will be required in full on the day of an appointment, with Medicare rebates claimable afterwards.
A new patient's appointment cost varies based on the complexity of the referral and the individual doctor's fees, but is generally between $400 and $600.
For new patients, a $100 deposit will be requested upon booking of your appointment.
Note. For Dr. Lakshman Doddamani, the initial appointment deposit is $250 and $175 for review appointments.
This fee will be retained unless notice is received more than 3 business days prior for paediatric appointments and 7 days prior for Allergy appointments for any cancellation or a failure to attend.
Any deposit will be deducted from the cost of the overall appointment.
Payment Options
We have facilities for EFTPOS, credit card and cash payments, although personal cheques are not accepted. We do have facilities for on line Medicare claims to be made at the time of your consultation.
You will be sent a breakdown of the relevant fees prior to your first appointment. If you have registered for and have reached the Medicare Safety Net, you will be able to claim a greater rebate on your consultation fee.
Please be aware that private health funds generally do not offer rebates for outpatient medical appointments.
Valid Referral Required
All appointments must be made with a valid referral from a medical practitioner. General Practitioner referrals are valid for a period of 12 months after which time a new referral will be required if you have ongoing appointments. If your GP specifies an ‘indefinite’ referral, repeat referrals are no longer necessary. A specialist referral is only valid for 3 months.
If there are any queries with this information please do not hesitate to contact our reception staff.